Backup apple watch settings archive#
The process of creating an archive for the data on your Apple Watch is actually just to backup to the iPhone the watch is linked to. If you’re selling it or giving the device away, it’s not necessary. This step is crucial when you intend to continue making use of the Apple Watch and are just trying to resolve the technical problem. Backup the data on your Apple Watch (optional) How do you restore the settings on your Apple Watch with your iPhone 1. If you’re considering making a sale of or reselling the Apple Watch or giving it away, we suggest making use of”with iphone” “with iPhone” method because it will remove the watch’s activation lock which will allow the user to connect with the Apple Watch with their iPhone properly. This will let you restore all your data and apps to it later. If you’re trying to fix an issue with your device, we strongly recommend taking an backup to the Apple Watch first.
There are two methods to accomplish this: with your iPhone or using the Apple Watch itself.

However, it also requires you to start with a fresh start, or make the copy of the files (more on this in the future).